크리원주민성경번역 전체 코디네이터이신 빌 얀세위치즈 Bill Jancewicz 선교사님이 뒷뜰에서 나무 자르다 나무가 몸으로 떨어지는 바람에 사다리 위에서 낙상하셨다고 합니다. 처음에는 좀 정신이 오락가락하다가 안정을 찾은 모양인데, 치료와 회복을 위해 기도해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
아래는 페이스북에 올라온 아들의 메시지입니다.
Hey y’all, if you get a minute, pray for my dad Bill.
He was cutting wood in my parent's backyard when a portion of the tree he was cutting knocked him off his ladder and sliced his head.
There's no hospital nearby, so my mother lifted the log off of him and drove him to the hospital as fast as she could. He was really disoriented and repeating questions over and over. to her.
The doctors told her there was some internal bleeding, but weren't sure how bad it was.
They rushed him to an even further away hospital that has a neurosurgeon, just in case. It's been several hours and my dad has grown more alert and is talking normally, but it's really scary.
Pray for my mom too, she's been through a lot. She's at the hospital with him now, but they won't let her see him because he's in trauma care.
This, along with everything else that's happened to me this week, is a lot. So, yeah. Prayers. I'm gonna stay up and pack stuff just to keep my mind off things, but it's hard.