
제목위클리프 태국을 위해 기도해 주세요2024-06-01 01:23

위클리프 태국을 위해 기도해 주세요


최근 태국 북동부에서 열린 이산족 목회자 컨퍼런스를 인하여 감사드립니다200명의 목회자들이 참석하여 위클리프 태국의 사역에 대한 발표와 함께 많은 사역의 연결이 이루어졌습니다. 이산 지역 소수언어에 대한 구전 성경 번역의 필요성과 실행 가능성을 결정하기 위한 이산 언어 조사가 진행되는 동안 이산 지역 목회자들의 지속적인 이해와 협력을 위해 기도해 주세요최근  태국대표 선교사와 그의 아내 지미가 캘거리에 있는 캐나다 위클리프와 두 개의 협력 교회를 방문한 것을 인하여 하나님을 찬양합니다. 곧 이어 위클리프 단기 선교팀이 태국이 주도하는 프로젝트를 후원하는  캐나다 교회 성도들과 함께 태국을 방문했습니다이러한 소중한 만남을 통해 파트너십이 강화되고  많은 기도와 격려재정적 후원이 이루어지도록 기도해 주세요.




Pray for Wycliffe Thai Foundation



We thank the Lord for the recent conference for Isan pastors held in northeast Thailand. Some 200 pastors attended the event, which led to many helpful connections and a presentation about the work of Wycliffe Thai Foundation. Pray for continued understanding and co-operation from the Isan pastors as the Isan language survey moves forward to determine the need and viability of an Oral Bible Translation for the Isan regional language. Praise God that director Wat and his wife, Jimmie, recently visited the Wycliffe Canada office in Calgary and two city churches. A short time later, a team from the Calgary office visited Thailand with members from one church that supports projects overseen by the foundation. Please pray that these valuable connections strengthen partnerships and yield even greater prayer, encouragement, and financial support.