

위클리프 사역



AI for the Bible Translation Ministries

2024.03.06 10:07

이규준 조회 수:365

The following articles are shared for the discussion session at the CanIL Board Meeting on Mar 15, 2024.


Please watch or read the following materials before you come to the meeting:


-        Obedience in this AI Moment by Jon Hirst from SIL International

-        Lost in Translation: Navigating the Intersection of AI and the Sanctity of Drafting in BT, by Larry Hayashi, Reinier De Blois; Paul Unger, Matt Merritt

Or the article and PPT slides:

De Blois Et Al - Lost In Translation Paper.pdf

De Blois Et Al - Lost In Translation Slides And Notes.pdf


If you want to dig in more, you may watch the following video as well:


The Slow Road to Artificial Intelligenece


presented by Gary Marcus at ‘The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing’, Abu Dhabi, Dec 7-11, 2022.


Added on Feb 29,

Please find two more resources show more proactive approaches to using AI in Bible translation. It would be helpful to read the summarized article before we dive into the more details presented at the same conference above. 


Or the article and PPT slides:

Gravelle - Ai Nlp A Game Changer For Minority Languages Paper.pdf 

Gravelle - Ai Nlp A Game Changer For Minority Languages Presentation.pdf 

Discussion questions on the meeting day

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