선교 ㆍ사역 소식

제목디아스포라 사역팀 월례 회의2024-05-18 10:58

디아스포라 사역팀 월례 회의

디아스포라 사역팀이  달에  번씩 모여서 말씀 묵상과 사역에 관한 현안 업데이트기도 제목들을 함께 나누는 모임입니다이번 달은 5 22(수요일) 모일 예정입니다서로 간에 격려와 나눔으로 힘을 얻는 교제의 시간 되도록기도로 서로 중보하는 시간 되도록 함께  모아 주세요.

Diaspora Engagement Team’s Monthly Meeting

The Wycliffe Canada Diaspora Engagement Team meets once a month to share devotionals, ministry updates, and prayer requests. This month, we will meet on Wednesday, May 22nd. Please pray that this team meeting will be a time of fellowship, encouragement, sharing, and prayer intercession.
